MonaLisa Touch

We are proud to offer the MonaLisa Touch™ laser. This procedure restores vaginal health quickly and painlessly with a minimally invasive laser treatment. It is recommended that the patient receive 3 sessions spaced at 6 week intervals, with treatment taking less than 5 minutes.

3 treatments. Less than 5 minutes. No anesthesia.

When estrogen levels decline after menopause, many changes occur. Millions of women experience changes in their gynecologic health that interfere with their personal lives as a consequence. Many women suffer silently, and those who seek treatment find their options limited. Now there’s a better way.

MonaLisa Touch: fast, simple and safe

MonaLisa Touch laser treatment is a simple procedure that takes less than 5 minutes. It delivers both immediate and lasting relief. And it’s clinically proven to work.

  • In-office
  • Requires no anesthesia
  • Minimal side effects
  • No downtime
  • Symptom relief after just one treatment
  • Thousands of women successfully treated since 2012

A new procedure that patients have called “life-changing”

MonaLisa Touch delivers gentle laser energy to the vaginal wall tissue that stimulates a healing response in the vaginal canal. A typical course of treatment is three procedures over 18 weeks.

Many women report symptom relief after the very first treatment and even greater improvement after treatments 2 and 3.

MonaLisa Touch helps restore gynecologic health. That’s something to talk about.

Q: What happens during treatment?

A: The procedure will seem similar to your annual exam, and will likely be even quicker. Your healthcare provider will insert the laser into your vagina and deliver laser energy “pulses.” The total procedure time is less than 5 minutes.

Q: Does it hurt?

A: The laser energy itself is virtually painless. Some patients report mild discomfort with the laser tip insertion during the first procedure if there is gynecologic dryness.

Q: How soon can I expect results?

A: Many patients have reported that they experience relief right away. Virtually all patients have experienced relief by the second treatment.

Q: How long does treatment last?

A: MonaLisa Touch provides lasting results. A once-a-year single treatment is recommended to maintain symptom relief. This can be done quickly and conveniently during your annual checkup.